Saturday, June 9, 2012

Being a Writer

About being a writer.  You have to be a bit crazy.  Crazy?  Well, the picture says it all.  Now by crazy, I don't mean the type that would get a poor feller locked up in some cushion walled prison... at least I hope not... but the type of crazy that 1. Shows that your mind is continually residing in multiple worlds and 2. You never grew out of having imaginary friends. 

For example:

1.  Multiple Worlds.

We drive silently down a stretch of road, the kids are sleeping, all is quiet when suddenly my wife, Rachel turns to me and asks, "What are you thinking about?"

80% of the time my answer is about my book.  My wife expects it.  She laughs every time.  I love long drives for that very reason.  I often turn the radio off and sit in the still silence and let my thoughts run.  Problems often solve themselves.

2. Imaginary Friends.

We go on a lot of walks as a family, the girls hop on their scooters, I push the little boy in a stroller and my wife and I walk.  After discussing all sorts of topics, things go quiet for 10 seconds. ( You already know where my mind went wandering.)

"What are you thinking about?" Rachel asks.

  "Well, I was just thinking about the night scene where Broman is talking to Damien Ashe, right before they fight the demons for the first time, and I think I finally know what Broman is going to say." 

Now being the wonderful understanding wife that she is, she rolls her eyes and replies with something like, "Are you sure Broman would say that?"

Strange.  Crazy.  Me and my wife have conversations about people who don't exist.  But they have personalities all their own.  I find myself seeing someone do something and my mind says, "Heh, that's something that Lyla would do."

So, in conclusion I'm crazy.  I live in this world and one that I have created within the confines of my mind, I have a lot of imaginary friends... and all I can say is that it looks like crazy runs in the family.